Frequently Asked Questions
Is the MAC-700 good for a classroom?
The MAC-700 has a slope on the top of the unit, so students do not leave books on top. The unit is equipped safety turnoff and can be placed in any location of a classroom. The average classroom in the US is 1,000 sq. ft; the MAC-700 will clean the air in the room over 4 times each hour. The MAC700 does more than ASHRAE recommended by adding a prefilter with a HEPA filter.
​Why does the MAC-700 pull from the bottom?
A recent article from the ASHRAE Journal states… "The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes…" The size of the virus attached to a droplet is larger than 5-10 µm. The virus is best collected as the water droplet dries and falls to the ground, allowing the MAC-700 to easily pull the virus into the bottom without distributing it up into the air.
What are the applications for a mobile unit?
The MAC-700 is great for any high-risk location, as well as any area that requires cleaner air. The mobile unit will collect dust and microbial air contaminants. Applications include offices, schools, restaurants, nursing homes, hospitals & doctor offices, salons and stores.
What is ASHRAE's stance?
The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) is the leading organization focused on researching and guiding proper HVAC system design and construction. The ASHRAE Position Document on Covid-19 recommends that existing spaces have highefficiency particle filtration paired with UV-C Lights for the capture and destruction of biological aerosols..
Are there any safety concerns with UV-C?
The UV-C lights used in this model are contained in a Quartz glass lamp that eliminates any ozone-producing light from exiting the lamp. The UV-C light contains a tiny trace of mercury inside the lamp. The lamp is no more dangerous than a fluorescent light that is used in most buildings. The biggest safety issue is looking into the light as it can cause damage to the eyes. For this reason, the lights are completely encased within the unit and a door switch ensures it is turned off when the door is open.
Where is the air directed?
Filtered air will be released out the top of the unit towards the ceiling above the occupied space after going through a pre-filter, UV-C lamps, BPI and HEPA filter. Some competitive products blast the discharge air horizontally into the occupied space creating drafts that can affect occupant comfort.
How quiet is the unit?
The inside of the unit is coated with two types of insulation. One insulation is around the UV light for extra lamp safety and noise reduction from the fan. The other insulation found within the unit is for quiet operation.
How does this differ from an air purifier I would buy at Home Improvement store?
The MAC-700 is able to clean more air than the smaller products offered at big box retailers. The filter is much larger and is able to filter at higher efficiencies for longer than the smaller units. Also, the commercial construction will increase the return on investment over the lifetime of the unit.
How often do I change the filter?
A good rule of thumb is that the HEPA filter should be replaced from 18 months to 2 years and the pre-filter every 60 to 90 days. ASHRAE article "HVAC and COVID-19" explains that "a MERV 10 pre-filter reduced the amount of deposited SARSCoV-2 by approximately 70%..."
What does it cost to operate?
To operate at max capacity for 10 hours a day for 210 day in a year (weekdays) it would cost $47 to run.
224 Watts/1000 x .10 $/hr. x 10 hr./day x 210
so at 10 hr./day for a year would be $47.
Why can’t I just add a HEPA filter to my current HVAC system?
HEPA filters require much higher pressures than the standard HVAC filters. Adding a HEPA filter to a current HVAC system would require thousands of dollars more than a portable unit worth to redesign. Just adding a HEPA filter without redesign would cause the system to underperform. The easiest course of action to create a cleaner room is to utilize a portable HEPA that can be turned off when the room is not occupied.